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#  Coral Images and Accession Numbers
#  A. Apprill, PI
#  Version 19 October 2016
site                     lat          lon           
Mid-channel_patch_reef   24.560333    -81.501267    
colony  species               depth  tissue_accessionNumber  tissue_accessionLink  mucus_accessionNumber  mucus_accessionLink  holobiont_accessionNumber  holobiont_accessionLink  filename1  filename2  filename3  
MP1     Diploria_strigosa     5.5    SAMN05203168                SAMN05203168      SAMN05203244               SAMN05203244     nd                         nd                       IMG_2463   IMG_2457   nd         
MP2     Orbicella_faveolata   5.5    SAMN05203170                SAMN05203170      SAMN05203245               SAMN05203245     nd                         nd                       IMG_2467   IMG_2464   IMG_2468   
MP3     Montastrea_cavernosa  5.2    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203246               SAMN05203246     nd                         nd                       IMG_2475   IMG_2472   IMG_2473   
MP4     Porites_asteroides    5.5    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203247               SAMN05203247     SAMN05203171                     SAMN05203171       IMG_2480   IMG_2479   nd         
MP6     Orbicella_faveolata   5.5    SAMN05203173                SAMN05203173      SAMN05203248               SAMN05203248     nd                         nd                       IMG_2490   IMG_2488   IMG_2591   
MP7     Porites_asteroides    5.8    SAMN05203316                SAMN05203316      SAMN05203249               SAMN05203249     SAMN05203174                     SAMN05203174       IMG_2494   IMG_2493   nd         
MP8     Porites_asteroides    5.5    SAMN05203175                SAMN05203175      SAMN05203250               SAMN05203250     SAMN05203176                     SAMN05203176       IMG_2498   IMG_2496   IMG_2499   
MP9     Montastrea_cavernosa  5.5    SAMN05203177                SAMN05203177      SAMN05203251               SAMN05203251     nd                         nd                       IMG_2504   IMG_2501   IMG_2502   
MP10    Porites_porites       5.5    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203237               SAMN05203237     nd                         nd                       IMG_2506   IMG_2507   nd         
MP12    Porites_porites       4.9    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203238               SAMN05203238     SAMN05203165                     SAMN05203165       IMG_2516   IMG_2514   nd         
MP13    Montastrea_cavernosa  5.2    SAMN05203166                SAMN05203166      SAMN05203239               SAMN05203239     nd                         nd                       IMG_2520   IMG_2517   IMG_2519   
MP15    Orbicella_faveolata   5.8    SAMN05203167                SAMN05203167      SAMN05203240               SAMN05203240     nd                         nd                       IMG_2529   IMG_2528   IMG_2530   
MP16    Porites_porites       5.2    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203241               SAMN05203241     SAMN05203242                     SAMN05203242       IMG_2533   IMG_2531   nd         
MP18    Diploria_strigosa     5.5    nd                      nd                    SAMN05203243               SAMN05203243     nd                         nd                       IMG_2545   IMG_2543   IMG_2547